US Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Examination
- CG-719K – Application for Mariner Medical Certificate
- CG-719P – DOT/USCG Periodic Drug Testing Form 719P (Drug Testing)
Medical Exams for USCG medical certification documents certifying that a mariner meets the required medical and physical standards
To receive Merchant Mariner Credentials or Medical Certificates you will need to complete the correct applications.
For more information on medical certificates or Duplicate Medical Certificate Requests please see the Medical Certificates FAQ located on the USCG website.
Oakland Regional Exam Center
Location: (Google Maps)
Oakland Federal Bldg.
North Tower 1301 Clay Street Room 180N
Oakland, CA 94612-5200
Phone: 1-888-427-5662
Fax: 1-510-637-1126